
Welcome to the OxVeg blog.

OxVeg is short for Oxfordshire Vegetarians and Vegans, a local voluntary group for vegans and vegetarians living in and around Oxfordshire. The group was founded in 1967 and for many years was the Oxford branch of the Vegetarian Society. You can read about the history of the group by clicking on the About link above, and find our contact persons at the Contacts for OxVeg link.

The OxVeg blog was started by Sue Tibbles, a former treasurer of the group, in 2011 (you can find her original post under the Uncategorized link at the right hand side of the screen). Since then, most posts have been added by Paul Appleby (who was secretary of OxVeg from 1983 to 2008) and Paul Freestone, who is the group’s media rep, with contributions from other members and guests.

Posts are arranged by date (with the most recent at the top) under the categories on the right hand side. The category names are self-explanatory and no post appears more than once, so if don’t know the link you may have to search under more than one category for a particular topic. For example, the posts under Articles and Opinion cover similar issues. You can also view posts by date by selecting the appropriate month under Archives on the right hand side. For the most recent posts simply select the month at the top of the list.

Please note that the opinions expressed in a particular post are those of the blogger and do not necessarily represent those of the group as a whole.